Model DSC-210PL

The DSC-210PL is recessed 1.2″ and lined with self-furring metal lath allowing plaster of surrounding surfaces to continue without interruption over face of door.
Access doors shall be type DSC-210PL.
- Frame is 14-gauge steel and surrounded by 22-gauge expansion casing bead with metal lath.
- Door is 16-gauge steel, recessed 1.2″ and lined with self-furring 3.4” flat rib galvanized steel lath.
- Hinge shall be concealed pivoting rod type.
- Locks shall be flush to finished surface and shall be screwdriver operated with stainless steel cam and stud or cylinder lock with dust shutter.
- Brass sleeves shall be welded to door to protect plaster around stainless steel cam and stud.
- Finish shall be prime coat of rust inhibitive electrostatic powder, baked white enamel.
Diagrams and Model Sizes

Model DSC-214PL

The DSC-214PL has an expansion casing bead with galvanized lath providing a neat, tight protected finish between frame and plaster, while furnishing added plaster reinforcement.
Access doors shall be type DSC-214PL
- Door is 14-gauge steel.
- Frame is 16-gauge steel and surrounded by 22-gauge expansion casing bead with metal lath.
- Hinge shall be concealed continuous piano hinge.
- Latches shall be flush and screwdriver operated, or shall be key operated cylinder lock with automatic dust shutter.
- Finish is prime coat of rust inhibitive electrostatic powder, baked grey enamel.
Diagrams and Model Sizes