Supplying the International Construction Market
Manufacturer’s Representatives
Stocking Distributors
Over 115 Years of Construction Industry Experience!
B.L. Wilcox is a CALIFORNIA CERTIFIED SMALL BUSINESS and registered with SAM GOV for Federal Sales.
We are a fourth-generation, family owned company that serves as manufacturer’s representatives and stocking distributors
for the finest quality construction products since 1906. We are proud to service all 50 states as well as the International market.
We understand that service and pricing is paramount in this industry. That’s why we get product to the jobsite ON TIME,
while providing the best customer experience possible. We offer terms on credit-worthy open accounts and we accept
VISA, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, C.O.D., and in some cases C.I.A. Online quotes will be handled in a timely manner.
Our Products

Access Panels and Doors
We carry Access Doors and Panels from Babcock Davis, JJM Construction, JL Industries, Karp, Milcor, and Williams.

Fire Protection Equipment
Fire protection equipment and fire extinguishers from Amerex, Larsen, Brooks, JL Industries, Potter Roemer, and Safety Tech.

Ladders and Ladder Safety
We carry ship, fixed, and caged ladders, as well as Vertical Fall Protection products that help ensure the safety of the user.

Ladder Gate Preventative Shield
Distributed exclusively by BL Wilcox, the patented design of the Ladder Gate® is effective in keeping unauthorized people from climbing fixed ladders, controlling vandalism, eliminating injuries, and minimizing your liability.

Roof Hatch Safety
Roof hatch safety products from Keehatch, Babcock-Davis, Bilco, and JL Industries.

Roof Hatches and Smoke Vents
We carry roof hatches and smoke vents from Babcock-Davis, JL Industries and Bilco.

Stair Nosing and Safety Tread
We offer a wide variety of stair nosing and safety treads from American Safety Tread.